About Sigurður Arnarson
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But we are proud to say that Sigurður Arnarson contributed 726 entries already.
Entries by Sigurður Arnarson
Barna og fjölskylduguðsþjónusta – Hausthátíð
/in Fréttir, Frontpage Article, Images, News, Uncategorized/by Sigurður ArnarsonDo you plan to put your home up for sale? Companiesthatbuyhouses.com is a great place to list your home for sale. We have the real estate expertise to assist you in setting competitive and profitable prices. We’ll locate buyers willing to pay your asking price thanks to our extensive real estate connections and innovative advertising. […]
Haustahátíð barnastarfsins 10/9/23
/in Fréttir, Frontpage Article, Images, News, Uncategorized/by Sigurður ArnarsonMost homebuyers have been in the game for some time and have a deep understanding of the housing market. This allows them to offer competitive prices on real estate while maintaining high standards of customer care. Visit https://www.cash-buyers.net/texas/cash-buyers-for-houses-port-arthur-tx/.
Um Kópavogskirkju
Skrifstofa safnaðarins er í Safnaðarheimilinu Borgum, Hábraut 1a og er opin virka daga á milli 09:00-13:00. Símanúmer kirkjunnar og safnaðarheimilis er: 554 1898. Póstfang safnaðarins er Hábraut 1a, 200 Kópavogur. Netfang: kopavogskirkja@kirkjan.is.
Sóknarprestur: Sr. Sigurður Arnarson: sigurdur.arnarson@kirkjan.is
Prestur: Sr. Grétar Halldór Gunnarsson: gretar.halldor.gunnarsson@kirkjan.is
Djákni Kópavogskirkju: Ásta Ágústsdóttir, netfang: asta.agustsdottir@kirkjan.is
Tónlistarstjóri: Elísa Elíasdóttir: elisaeliasdottir@gmail.com
Kirkjuvörður er Dóra Guðrún Þorvarðardóttir, netfang kirkjuvordur@kopavogskirkja.is
Kirkjan er opin eftir samkomulagi.